Quality Life Center

Family Issues Counseling

Family therapy is a type of psychological counseling (psychotherapy) that can help family members improve communication and resolve conflicts. Family therapy is usually provided by a psychologist, clinical social worker or licensed therapist. Usual goals of family therapy are improving the communication, solving family problems, understanding, and handling special family situations, and creating a better functioning home environment.

In family therapy, the focus is on providing all family members with the tools they need to facilitate healing (Teen Treatment Center, 2014).
Family therapy can be useful in any family situation that causes stress, grief, anger, or conflict. It can help you and your family members understand one another better and learn coping skills to bring you closer together.

Benefits of Family Therapy

  • A better understanding of healthy boundaries and family patterns and dynamics
  • Enhanced communication
  • Improved problem solving
  • Deeper empathy
  • Reduced conflict and better anger management skills (10 Acre Ranch, 2017)

How Family Therapy Can Improve Family Relationships

  • Bringing the family together after a crisis
  • Creating honesty between family members
  • Instilling trust in family members
  • Developing a supportive family environment
  • Reducing sources of tension and stress within the family
  • Helping family members forgive each other
  • Conflict resolution for family members
  • Bringing back family members who have been isolated (American Addiction Centers, 2017)

Four Major Stages to Family Therapy

1) Preparation Stage

Mutual acceptance, definition of the problem, formulation of goals.

2) Transition Stage

Beginning actualization, crisis, reformulation, and acceptance.

3) Consolidation Stage

Investment in the therapeutic work, working through problems. 

4) Termination of Treatment